- To produce a professional report promoting the analysis of the impact of CAD on design crafts
- Conduct peer group critique to inform and professionally position a website
- Participate in a group peer critique to discuss and evaluate task 1
- Conclude the analysis of your self-directed study based on pre-industrialisation to present day contemporary crafts. Task 2
- Develop a professional document containing the analysis of the impact of CAD on design crafts, incorporating the analysis of from your self-directed study. Task 3
Task 1 Group critique
- Is your website fit for purpose?
- Who is your intended audience?
- What message has your website transmitted to a new first hit customer?
- What other questions and or problems are you now thinking off?
- How do you intend to solve these?
Task 2
Conclude the evaluation of your self-directed study from session 3. Look closely at these sub-headings, where do you think these sub-headings could be incorporated into your professional report? Remember any report should have an introduction.
- Pre-industrialisation
- Industrialisation
- Arts and crafts movement
- Modern plastics
- CAD and CAM
- Technical advances in CAD and Cam
- Cost, advantages and disadvantages of CAD CAM
- Aesthetics of CAD CAM
Task 3
Produce a professional report based on CAD CAM within the context of design crafts. The sections of this report must include:
- A front cover
- A content page
- The Application of CAD within a contemporary design crafts context
- Key software that may be appropriate of ruse in a contemporary design crafts project
- An overview of the benefits of CAD
- Analysis of the impact that CAD has had on the contemporary design crafts industry
- Conclusion and recommendations for the use of CAD for the Project
Please read recommendations below:
You are encouraged to include drawings, images, graphics, chats and other material within your written report. Any material that is derived from to other sources must be suitably referenced
Remember to develop your report with an introduction, body and conclusion, developing your personal response to your findings.
Unit Handbook and Assignment
This also contains all the main task you have to complete
This also contains all the main task you have to complete

Unit_Handbook_Assignment |