Peer group critique from the last session objectives, discuss, critique and evaluate
Task 2
After watching the power point presentation, you are required to work in small groups to reinterpret an artwork, you are to create idea generation and a story board for your short film. You will include on your story board, shot angles, light sources and any potential art effects.
You will also need to consider feasibility and any restrictions you may encounter.
You will consider the following within your film:
In small groups use experimental thought, techniques and processes to create a short film
Jenifer and Sophie (artist) Jenny Saville ‘Shift’
Proposal is…
3D Interpretation of the image using still shots, and moving image. Consider different angles to show emotion, power, movement, shapes, colour and lines
Experimental film shots on camera, consider art work on transparency such as mark making, oils on film. Think about your skills and generate ideas using your extensive knowledge of mixed media.
Joël and David (artist) George Braque ‘The Mandola’
Proposal is… 1 minute film
Experimentation with texture, shapes and including a ‘viewer’
“the subject will represent the viewer looking at the piece” This will be filmed in a sharp cutting way
You might include the sound in it
Michelle and Joanne Duchamp ‘Descending stairs No2’
Proposal is…
To create merged photographs and film to represent ‘motion’. The use of film with consecutive photographs pose by pose using shutter speed for slow motion. Will also experiment with animated gifs and sound track. Joanna will use charcoal within the composition, and Michelle will use textile
- To explore experimental interpretation of art through moving image
- To promote idea generation and construct mind maps
- To extend creativity thorough idea generation and construct storyboards
- You will examine the importance of planning and create an interpretation of a piece of art using moving image
Peer group critique from the last session objectives, discuss, critique and evaluate
Task 2
After watching the power point presentation, you are required to work in small groups to reinterpret an artwork, you are to create idea generation and a story board for your short film. You will include on your story board, shot angles, light sources and any potential art effects.
You will also need to consider feasibility and any restrictions you may encounter.
You will consider the following within your film:
- Visualisation of objects
- Camera Angles
- Light source
- Movement within film
- Speed (movement)
- Depth of Field
- Back drops
- Emotion
- Part of you! (phycology)
- Audience response
- Colour, shape, line, contrast, texture, balance, composition etc.
- What art techniques can you incorporate in your film
In small groups use experimental thought, techniques and processes to create a short film
Jenifer and Sophie (artist) Jenny Saville ‘Shift’
Proposal is…
3D Interpretation of the image using still shots, and moving image. Consider different angles to show emotion, power, movement, shapes, colour and lines
Experimental film shots on camera, consider art work on transparency such as mark making, oils on film. Think about your skills and generate ideas using your extensive knowledge of mixed media.
Joël and David (artist) George Braque ‘The Mandola’
Proposal is… 1 minute film
Experimentation with texture, shapes and including a ‘viewer’
“the subject will represent the viewer looking at the piece” This will be filmed in a sharp cutting way
You might include the sound in it
Michelle and Joanne Duchamp ‘Descending stairs No2’
Proposal is…
To create merged photographs and film to represent ‘motion’. The use of film with consecutive photographs pose by pose using shutter speed for slow motion. Will also experiment with animated gifs and sound track. Joanna will use charcoal within the composition, and Michelle will use textile